American Air Mail Society Founded 1923

Aeropex 2019


Aeropex 2019 Adelaide, South Australia
December 6, 7, 8, 2019


The Australian Philatelic Federation will be holding a special exhibition to celebrate the centenary of the first aeroplane flight from England to Australia in Adelaide, South Australia, in December 2019.

AEROPEX 2019 will be a specialised National Philatelic Exhibition for Aerophilately and Astrophilately. In addition, exhibits with an aviation theme or subject will be accepted in Traditional, Postal History, Postal Stationery, Thematics, Maximaphily, Revenues, Youth, Open, Literature, First Day Covers, Frugal, Polar, Cinderella and Picture Postcard classes.

The exhibition is scheduled for 6, 7 & 8 December 2019 at the Torrens Parade Ground Drill Hall, Adelaide. This popular and central venue which will accommodate approximately 350 frames of exhibits with extra space for dealers and meetings.

The unusual date is chosen to coincide with the centenary of the first flight from England to Australia by Adelaide’s own Ross and Keith Smith. This flight also brought the first international air mail to Australia. Visitors to Adelaide for the exhibition are invited to extend their stay to take in some of the other centenary events from the meeting of the Australian Airmail Society on 4 December to the actual centenary commemorations on 10 December.

This will be an exhibition pitched to the aviation enthusiast with special displays, guest speakers and trips to historic sites around Adelaide.

To ensure they have the best available material on show, the organising committee has invited international participation and hence this invitation to UK and US exhibitors. They have also allocated frames for non-competitive entries to both accommodate historic material to be shown and to encourage collectors to show what they have without the constraints of competition rules and regulations.

All exhibitors will receive one of two exhibition medals. A special Aeropex medallion for the non-competitive exhibits or the Australian Philatelic Federation’s medal for the competitive exhibits.

Please note that we are proposing to courier exhibits from UK exhibitors to and from the event, with a hand-in and return in London, so if you do wish to enter, you will need to pay a share of these costs in addition to the fees outlined in the entry forms.

The Australian Philatelic Federation will be holding a special exhibition to celebrate the centenary of the first aeroplane flight from England to Australia in Adelaide, South Australia, in December 2019.

AEROPEX 2019 will be a specialised National Philatelic Exhibition for Aerophilately and Astrophilately. In addition, exhibits with an aviation theme or subject will be accepted in Traditional, Postal History, Postal Stationery, Thematics, Maximaphily, Revenues, Youth, Open, Literature, First Day Covers, Frugal, Polar, Cinderella and Picture Postcard classes.

For information on exhibiting, please consult the attached exhibition prospectus and entry form and the Australian Philatelic Federation website –

James Grimwood-Taylor will be the UK’s representative at the event and a member of the exhibition jury.

If you do decide to enter, please can you send a copy of your entry form to both James and Mike when you submit it.

Our email addresses are and

Please note that for UK exhibitors we are proposing to courier exhibits from UK exhibitors to and from the event, with a hand-in and return in London, so if you do wish to enter, you will need to pay a share of these costs in addition to the fees outlined in the entry forms.

Prospectus and Entry Form

AEROPEX 2019 Prospectus – Revised          AEROPEX 2019 Entry Form – Revised