Welcome to the American Air Mail Society News page. Here we will provide up to date listings for:
- Regular Auction notices will be posted unmder the Auctions Tab Above when we start a new auction. The actual auction listing will alco be posted on the Auctions page on the start date. We have about four to eight auctions each year. We also post price results of the auctions on the Auctopms [age
- Each month we post that month’s issue of the Airpost Journal. (APJ), for members. We also send monthly email to all members with a link to download that month’s PDF issue of the APJ.
- The NEWS and the Conventions pages will have information for the AAMS Conventions that will be held once a year at regular APS credited stamp shows.
- Our News Page also has a reminder that we have airmail related books and other literature on sale. The APS Library maintains a bookstore that includes our books, CDs and catalogs. Our list of publications is found by clicking from the Home page: Resources and then Publications.
- AAMS Official Announcements will be placed in these pages. Scroll down a few pages to view.
Go to the Auctions Tab to get recent Auctions Information
Auction 321 News
Auction 321 News
Starts April 20, 2021 at 12:45 AM
Ends June 19, 2021
Auction 321 advertisement is below
This Auction will appear on the Auctions page on
April 20, 2021 at 01:45 AM US EST

Auction 319 News
Auction 319 News
Starts November 20, 2020 at 12:45 AM
Ends February 20, 2021
Auction 319 advertisement is below
This Auction will appear in the Auctions page on
November 20, 2020 at 12:45 AM US EST