American Air Mail Society Founded 1923


The AAMS holds one meeting each year in conjunction with one of the APS sanctioned stamp shows.  Details for each show will be shown here as they become available. Future meeting sites are listed here. The AAMS also maintains a presence at the APS Great American Stamp Show (previously StampShow)


Philatelic Show, Boxborough, Massachusetts, May 2024
Philatelic Show 2024 will be held in Boxborough, Mass from 12 t0 14 April 2024.  It will be the American Air Mail Society’s 2024 Convention
We will have a joint AAMS/MAPS table, and we will need help in manning it.  If you can help out for at least two hours, let me know what day
and times you can help.

We would also like to have an aerophilatelic talk on each day.  If you would like to give a talk or display of something from your collection, please let me know as soon as possible.  Each talk should be about 45 minutes plus 15 minutes for questions & answers.

We would also like to have an aerophilatelic talk on each day.  If you would like to give a talk or display of something from your collection, please let me know as soon as possible.  Each talk should be about 45 minutes plus 15 minutes for questions & answers.

We would also like to have an aerophilatelic talk on each day.  If you would like to give a talk or display of something from your collection, please let me know as soon as possible.  Each talk should be about 45 minutes plus 15 minutes for questions & answers.


2025 Westpex, San Francisco, CA, April 2025.
2026 Boston 2026 World Expo

Aerophilately 2022


We are pleased to announce that an all-airmail National Level exhibition is planned to be held at the American Philatelic Center, home of the American Philatelic Society, in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, on October 21-23, 2022. An application has been submitted to CANEJ, the APS Committee responsible for World Series of Philately exhibitions in the United States, to make this a one-time WSP show. All exhibits will have an airmail or aviation scope and purpose.

While exhibiting will be a large part of the show, there will be dealers with all types of philatelic material, seminars and all types of presentations having an aerophilatelic theme, a show banquet with upscale cocktail hour, and much more. With an undertaking this large we will need help from as many of our members possible, who plan to attend, both before or during the show. If you have an area of the show where you would like to help, contact the Chairman of the Organizing Committee.

We are so very appreciative of the financial support that we have already received, with more expected. So far, the following philatelic auction firms have offered their support:

While many details are yet to be developed, we are looking forward to presenting a show at least as wonderful as the past 2007 and 2014 Aerophilately shows. Your help is needed!

More information will be provided as it becomes available.  To offer your help or to seek further information please contact:

Stephen Reinhard, Chairman, Organizing Committee
David S. Ball, Vice-Chairman, Organizing Committee


Convention Post

The Next AAMS Convention. Watch for details as they become available

2021 Rocky Mountain Philatelic Exhibition, Denver Colorado May 28, 29, 30, 2021